Take control of your health and productivity - starting with the right light. Our HEAVN luminaires follow the sun's natural daytime pattern with advanced HCL+ technology to keep you focused and energised throughout the day.

The HEAVN One was developed specifically for the home office and helps you to achieve a stable biorhythm and higher productivity. biorhythm and higher productivity. As the brightest desk lamp in the world it illuminates your work surface as intensively and broadly as you have never experienced before.

Many specially developed functions such as the mode for video conferencing, performance enhancement at the or the Calm mode for relaxation make the HEAVN One your absolute highlight among the luminaires. among the luminaires.

HEAVN Pure accompanies you through the day - in the morning for breakfast, at lunchtime for work and in the evening for relaxation. relaxation. Thanks to the modern technology of Human Centric Lighting, you enjoy the right light at all times and in every the right light at any time and in any situation.

HEAVN GmbH aims to create technically advanced and high quality products that guarantee a healthy lifestyle and satisfaction in the workplace.
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