Events Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition

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Events Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition

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About the event
Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition (GILE) is one of the world's largest trade shows serving the lighting industry. Every year over 1,200 exhibitors demonstrate the latest in lighting across 200,000 sqm of exhibition space at the China import and Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou, China. As a professional platform among industry fairs worldwide, the show makes business opportunities, the most up-to-date technologies and design concepts open to the lighting community. Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition is also an insightful and engaging industry gala featuring specialists from around the world. The event puts into perspective how lighting and its many applications may have an impact on people’s daily lives and increase living comfort.




GILE 2023 fringe events to highlight nine major lighting areas

Under the theme “Light +”, Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition (GILE) will be held at the China Import and Export Fair Complex in halls A, B, and D from 9 to 12 June 2023 with over 2,600 exhibitors participating. The 28th edition will feature a variety of fringe events covering nine key areas of lighting, to encourage innovation and development, creating new opportunities for industry players.

The lighting industry in China continues to grow, while also shifting towards a higher quality of product. As customers increasingly show a preference towards personalised products, there is a growing need for customisability in the lighting sector.

GILE is committed to building a communication platform for the industry, promoting sales and business cooperation, as well as providing opportunities for cross-border exchanges and forward-thinking ideas. The aim is to encourage the industry to rethink how to encourage innovation, and further increase the quality of light.

Regarding the new developments in the industry, Ms Lucia Wong, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said: “2023 is a new starting point for the lighting industry. New trends such as high-tech digital infrastructure, night economy, the in-house economy, carbon neutrality, and new energy will bring more opportunities. Industry players need to use new ways of thinking to design products, where lighting is no longer just about functional use, but acts as part of interconnected systems for different applications.”

She continued: “Opportunities and challenges always coexist. Generation Z consumers are increasingly important and have quickly become a large portion of the lighting market. They pursue more immersive experiences, which brings new challenges to product design. The industry needs to have new designs for different applications, new technology such as Li-Fi, optical imaging, healthy lighting, interconnected solutions and more, as well as new marketing and sales channels to face new consumption patterns.”

Establishing the “Light +” platform – fringe events covering nine major areas of the lighting industry
This year, GILE will be jointly providing the “Light +” platform with Guangzhou Alighting IoT & Technology Co Ltd, including fringe events aimed at promoting industry exchange and cooperation. The event will cover the following nine areas of the lighting industry:

Smart city: Smart street lighting and city construction
Topics of discussions will include municipal management, engineering design and construction, urban street lighting management, urban street lighting and landscape lighting solutions, the construction of city ecosystems, carbon pilot cities and urban digital transformation to create smart carbon neutral cities.

These topics will be explored through fringe events held in halls 10.2 and 19.1 such as “Multi-party dialogues of city construction ecosystem”, “Light + Energy ‘Carbon’ Seeking the Future: Dual Carbon driving new energy lighting innovation conference”, “New smart city lighting development forum under the ‘Dual Carbon’ strategy” as well as the “Smart city and street lighting industry innovation and development forum”.

Architecture: Low carbon and healthy architecture lighting
Fields such as urban planning and management, architecture, civil engineering, lighting and interior design, and more will be covered. Discussions will focus on how digital and low carbon transformation will affect the construction industry.

Concurrent events to be held in hall 10.2 include “Light up the future, building, building healthy living spaces together”.

Household and lifestyle lighting
This area covers home decoration, smart lighting, design, and more, with topics centring on smart home, the Metaverse and the move towards higher quality household lighting products.

Halls 9.2, 10.2 and 10.3 will host several events including the “Household design forum”, “Mainless lighting innovation summit” and “Smart home sales and marketing discussion forum 2023”, “Great house design – the prospect of new thinking, materials and technology”, “Greater Bay Area habitat interior innovative technology forum 2023” and “Light + multi-variety household forum”.

Elderly care lighting
This area targets elderly care institutions, medical service providers, lighting environment designers, architects and solution providers for the elderly, with fields of discussion such as how to design an elderly-friendly lighting environment.

The “Elderly care lighting environment summit 2023” and more concurrent events will be held in hall 9.2.

Lighting and interior design
Targeted towards property developers, hoteliers, retailers, caterers, architects, interior designers and lighting designers, this area will cover a variety of topics relating to lighting and hospitality. These include retail and catering, hotel and cultural tourism, shopping malls, urban renewal, transit-oriented development, the Metaverse of commercial spaces, new accommodation experiences, IP commercialisation as well as contextual commerce.

Concurrent events in halls 9.2 and 10.2 will include “Interior design and lighting art development forum 2023”, “Smart lighting new application Forum, “Design Forum - Inspiration: is design an art or technique?”

Educational lighting
Covering various applications in the educational system, this area targets school owners and lighting solution providers, highlighting visual medicine, psychological medicine, spatial design, lighting design, digital education integration, smart campus integration and more. Talking points will include the integration of education, space and curriculum, open and multifunctional educational spaces, combining the lighting environment, multimedia and digital learning for smart education, the effects of the lighting environment on teenagers’ eyesight and mental health, among other topics.

Concurrent events in hall 10.3 will include “Quality of light forum 2023”

Horticultural lighting
Tailored to academics and material solution providers, this area will explore horticultural applications, import and export within supply chains, and the lighting spectrum. Discussions will focus on photovoltaic agriculture and healthy lighting, how smart agriculture is changing the future of food, breeding lights and aquarium lighting, vegetable cultivation, medicinal drug cultivation, laboratory cultivation of rare species and more.

Concurrent events in hall 2.1 will include the “2023 international forum on bio-optics and smart agriculture industry” and more.

Cultural tourism lighting
Target audiences include urban tourism, culture and promotion related government authorities, tourism planning researchers, tour operators, scenic spot and commercial property owners, directors, artists, lighting designers, animation programmers, cultural IP, solution providers, engineering companies and construction contractors. The discourse will centre on digital cultural tourism projects including performances, cultural heritage tours, and immersive experiences, exploiting cultural IPs to become cultural tourism projects, Metaverse events such as AR light shows and more.

Concurrent events in hall 4.1 will include “New cultural tourism and night tourism high-quality innovation conference” among others.

Sports venue design and lighting
This area will target sports and culture-related government authorities, venue owners, sports-related properties, architectural firms, lighting designers, directors, solution providers and construction contractors. Topics will include building embedded sports venue facilities, smart stadiums, “Sports+” complexes, opening and closing performances for major events and venues that match with lighting from the landscape and landmarks.

Concurrent events in hall 4.1 will include “China smart stadium lighting summit 2023”.

Other events include “Smart lighting ecosystem conference”, “PLC smart lighting cross-industry forum”, “Alighting award ceremony” and more.

Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition and Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology will be held from 9 – 12 June 2023. Both shows are part of Messe Frankfurt’s Light + Building Technology fairs headed by the biennial Light + Building event. The next edition will be held from 3 – 8 March 2024 in Frankfurt, Germany.

Messe Frankfurt organises several trade fairs for the light and building technology sectors in Asia, including Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology, Shanghai Smart Home Technology and Parking China. The company’s lighting and building technology trade fairs also cover the markets in Argentina, India, Thailand and the UAE.

For more information on Light + Building shows worldwide, please visit For more information regarding the lighting shows in China, please visit or email



Remarkable result of “Light +” at GILE 2023

The 28th edition of Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition (GILE) will return to the China Import and Export Fair Complex from 9 – 12 June 2023. As one of the leading fairs for the lighting industry, GILE 2022 saw a significant rise in the number of visitors alongside the concurrent Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology (GEBT). The two fairs attracted 128,202 visitors from 58 countries and regions, which represented an increase of 31% from the previous editions.

GILE 2023 will strive to continuously enhance its product category offering, showcase future lighting trends, and explore new business opportunities with the leading industry players. This year’s fair will revolve around the concept of “Light +”, which will explore how lighting can work together with other industries to improve people’s lives. Five new elements, namely “new retail”, “new manufacturing”, “new technology”, “new finance” and “new energy”, will play important roles in the way we live our lives. These elements will also be coupled with new lifestyle trends, such as experience-oriented living, as well as smart, healthy and low carbon lifestyles. The combination of these popular trends is helping to bring new thinking to urban planning, architecture and of course the lighting industry.

Every lighting industry player aims to improve people's quality of life through the use of advanced technologies. Over the last century of the development of lighting technology, companies have always embraced new trends and have attempted to increase the applications of light. From individual lighting fixtures to the interconnectivity of AIoT devices, from intense competition between companies to cross-border collaboration, and from basic lighting needs to today’s concept of “Light +”, the industry is working towards building a better tomorrow for lighting.

On the fair’s theme, Ms Lucia Wong, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said: “With the ever-changing nature of the lighting industry, companies need to have the foresight to transform their businesses in order to keep up with the latest trends. As the innovations of tomorrow begin to be applied to reality today, only the well-prepared can get a head start.”

She continued: “In terms of planning, focusing on digitalisation and further enhancing the quality of light can help companies to develop a competitive edge. This should also be combined with human centric lighting technologies, and aim to keep up with the latest fashion trends to appeal to a wider market. Furthermore, companies can aim to be more flexible in embracing innovation and explore more opportunities to boost cross-border collaboration. This year, GILE will unveil a blueprint for the future of the lighting industry under the concept of “Light +”. Meanwhile, the fair will host various fringe events to promote business exchange, and make the future of lighting a present reality.”

Explore the future of lighting under the concept of “Light +”
The idea of “Light +” covers a number of different applications, including AIoT, Health, Art, Horticulture and Smart city. The fair will showcase UVC LED, smart dimming, horticultural lighting, healthy lighting products and more, driving the industry towards a brighter future.

“Light + AIoT”: Healthy lighting and low-carbon crossover demonstration zone (Hall 9.2 to 11.2)
In the era of 5G, the combination of lighting and AIoT technologies can be widely applied to different situations. Jointly organised by GILE and the Shanghai Pudong Intelligent Lighting Association (SILA), the “Smart-health crossover demonstration pavilion 3.0” will expand in size next year to 30,000 sqm across three halls, and expects to attract over 250 brands alongside the concurrent Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology (GEBT). The exhibits will cover the smart lighting supply chain, home automation, smart buildings and intelligent and healthy lighting applications.

“Light + Health” and “Light + Horticulture”: Lighting techniques and the horticultural lighting pavilion (Hall 2.1)
The quality of lighting, which is related to the degree of luminous efficiency, high colour rendering index, R9 value, colour tolerance and human centric lighting, is getting more attention in the industry. The concept of “Light + Health” not only covers the physiological and psychological research of lighting and human wellbeing, but also the application of UVC LEDs. UVC LEDs coordinate with sensors to increase safety, and will be a new key area of development in the future. In addition, air sterilisation and large surface sterilisation are currently being used in home appliances, and will be further applied in automobile air conditioning systems, water sterilisation, manufacturing facilities and factory automation.

TrendForce’s latest report “2022 Deep UV LED Application Market and Branding Strategies” points out that the value of the UV LED market reached USD 317 million in 2021 (+2.3% YoY), and expects the compound annual growth rate of the UVC LED market to reach 24% throughout 2021 – 2026.

“Light + Horticulture”
Horticultural lighting is a promising emerging market and is becoming increasingly adopted by the agricultural industry. It will also be broadly applied in various fields in the future, including livestock farming, aquaculture, healthy lighting, medicine, beauty and more.

Jointly organised by GILE and the Shenzhen Facilities Agriculture Industry Association, this year’s “Horticultural lighting demonstration zone” has increased in size to 5,000 sqm, highlighting the applications of horticultural lighting technology in agriculture and food safety.

“Light + Art”: Immersive displays, light art and night tourism zone (Hall 4.1)
According to Sina’s “2021 Generation Z preferences report” , 220 million people out of China’s total population are from Generation Z, 64% of which are students and the remainder have already entered the workforce. As a new consumer base for the industry, they tend to pursue immersive experiences. By combining lighting and art, immersive experiences can be created, which could be said to be the precursor of the “Metaverse”, constituting a breakthrough development in recent years.

Under the concept of “Light + Art”, GILE 2023 will take LEDs as a basis, integrating cutting-edge technologies such as semiconductors, intelligent control systems, IoT, 5G transmission, XR production and naked eye 3D technology to present an immersive experience, and appeal to the needs of Generation Z.

“Light + Smart city”: Smart street lighting, road lighting, urban infrastructure lighting and new energy / energy storage (Hall 5.1)
“Light + Smart city” will represent how in the era of IoT, lighting industry players will need to think about how to bolster the development of smart cities using smart lighting components. With the support of 5G and digitalisation, smart lighting has contributed to a wide range of public services, forming a part of the smart city management system.

A report by TrendForce estimates that the global LED smart street lighting market (including light bulbs and individual lamps) will reach USD 1.094 billion by 2024, with a compound annual growth rate of 8.2% between 2019 to 2024 . In order to meet the strong demand for smart city lighting products, this year’s fair will set up a “Smart city pavilion”, showcasing products and technologies such as smart street lighting systems, smart light poles, new energy, energy storage and urban infrastructure lighting.

This year’s GILE will also continue to highlight the entire lighting industry supply chain, covering three main categories: lighting production (production equipment and base materials, lighting accessories and electronic components), LED and lighting technology (LED packaging, chips, optoelectronics, device drivers, lighting control and power technologies) and lighting and display applications (landscape, road, industrial, educational, home and business area lighting).

Connecting nine ecosystems to bring about the future of lighting
Driven by breakthroughs in IoT, big data and optoelectronics, smart, healthy and low-carbon lighting products can be increasingly applied to different market segments, ushering in rapid growth for the lighting industry as a whole. To capture the benefits of these breakthroughs, the industry has to explore how to encourage consumers to adopt these new technologies. GILE 2023 will connect nine ecosystems including smart city, home decor, cultural and night tourism, elderly care, education, smart lighting supply chains, commercial property, hotels and art. The fair aims to help transform and upgrade the lighting industry, allowing new business opportunities to be explored.

Ms Lucia Wong added: “Over the last two years, lighting industry players have operated in a complex and competitive market. As a result, many of the predictions made in the past about the future of lighting have already been realised. The great author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said, ‘As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.’ GILE will therefore continue to support the industry as usual.”

The next editions of Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition and Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology will be held from 9 – 12 June 2023. Both shows are part of Messe Frankfurt’s Light + Building Technology fairs headed by the biennial Light + Building event. The next edition will be held from 3 – 8 March 2024 in Frankfurt, Germany.

Messe Frankfurt organises several trade fairs for the light and building technology sectors in Asia, including Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology, Shanghai Smart Home Technology and Parking China. The company’s lighting and building technology trade fairs also cover the markets in Argentina, India, Thailand and the UAE.

For more information on Light + Building shows worldwide, please visit For more information regarding the lighting shows in China, please visit or email



Eight themed halls to demonstrate the diverse applications of light at GILE 2024​

Since Thomas Edison patented the first incandescent light bulb in 1879, the lighting industry has continuously evolved. From traditional lighting to LED replacement, to the integration of smart technology, low-carbon and human-centric lighting, resulting in the “Light +” era of today, where the applications of light appear to have no limits.

Ms Lucia Wong, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented on the state of the industry in the “Light +” era: “Driven by the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), smart lighting is experiencing a surge in popularity, with added convenience, sustainability and customisation options open to consumers. The rapid development of full spectrum lighting and the growing consciousness around health, have created the need for well-being lighting that includes features like adjustability, synchronisation of our circadian rhythms with the natural light cycle and low blue light technology. In addition, lighting design that incorporates biophilic design with the use of eco-friendly materials, recyclable components as well as low carbon technology contributes overall to the enhancement of both residential and commercial spaces. The industry is committed to minimising its environmental impact and nurturing a more sustainable future.”

Eight themed halls to showcase the infinite possibilities of light
GILE 2024 will build upon the theme of “Light +”, extending the applications of light to more industries and sectors, representing a wider range of products and technologies. The show will introduce more precise matching services to help bring the industry together to work towards achieving infinite applications of light. As such, eight themed halls will feature at this year’s edition showcasing different applications of light, namely, Light + Lifestyle, Light + Aesthetics, Light + Art, Light + IoT, Light + Biology, Light + Agriculture, Light + Display, and Light + Energy.

Light + Lifestyle and Light + Aesthetics (Hall 10.1): Design Aesthetics
GILE will collaborate with Luce e Design to host a zone focusing on design aesthetics in Hall 10.1 of Zone B. Top lighting brands and designers from around the world will be invited to participate, creating a space that integrates art, design, and creativity that bridges the gap between Eastern and Western design philosophies.

Light + Art (Hall 3.1): The 4th Light Art Exhibition – “Metamorphosis”
The “Light Art Exhibition” is jointly organised by the Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition and Guangzhou Alighting IoT & Technology Co Ltd, with three successful editions held thus far. The Light Art Exhibition aims to invite renowned designers and lighting brands to collaborate on creating light art pieces that are visually appealing, culturally relevant and provide socio-economic value. In doing so it aims to promote innovation, international cooperation and creativity in the Chinese lighting industry.

Under the theme of “Metamorphosis”, the 4th Light Art Exhibition will be held in Hall 3.1 and will explore the integration of lighting technology and art as well as the mutual benefits this cooperation provides. To do this, it will forego the traditional exhibition format to create a more interactive and engaging experience for the audience. A “closed-loop” visiting route will break down barriers between exhibitors and visitors, who will be guided through a well-designed path that connects different exhibition areas, ensuring a seamless and immersive experience. To boost participation and engagement, elements of gamification will be incorporated, including challenges, where visitors can participate in specific activities or tasks and check-ins to mark progress or completion of certain stages, interactions with exhibits or fellow visitors, and gain rewards for achievements or milestones.

Light + IoT (Hall 9.2): Smart and Healthy Lighting Ecosystem
The integration of cloud computing, AI and luminaires has expanded the boundaries of lighting technology. With smart lighting systems playing a more significant role in homes, personalisation is becoming a key trend, where industry players will need to increase the functions of lighting to suit the individual needs of the user. Hall 9.2 will feature over 100 brands showcasing intelligent controls and dimming, smart chips, modules, IoT, cloud platforms, sensors, communication modules, communication protocols, smart devices, smart homes and smart lighting solutions.

Light + Energy (Hall 5.1): Gaoyou Street Lighting Pavilion
With the rise of smart cities, urban public infrastructure is becoming progressively integrated with digital technologies with urban facilities increasingly interconnected through the use of sensors, communication devices and data analytics. Smart street lighting poles have become an important carrier and one of the most effective starting points for smart city construction. At this edition of GILE, a pavilion covering street lighting will be set up in Hall 5.1 to showcase cutting-edge technology and designs in collaboration with the Gaoyou Lighting Association. Additionally, in response to the trend towards reducing carbon emissions, there will be exhibits related to solar street lighting, smart street lighting control systems, as well as supporting products for smart street lighting poles, smart landscape lighting poles, smart traffic signal poles, smart poles, power supplies, intelligent control systems, gateways and more.

Light + Display and Light + Energy (Hall 5.2): New Display Application Pavilion and New Energy Storage Pavilion
GILE will collaborate with Hangjia Display to introduce two new themed pavilions: the New Display Application Pavilion and the New Energy Storage Pavilion.

The New Display Application Pavilion will cover LED displays, Mini/Micro LED displays, and extend to applications in film, home, education, conferences, and commercial markets. The pavilion will gather leading brands in the LED and display industry, integrating end users such as homeowners, contractors, overseas buyers, the education market, and government to promote new business opportunities.

To promote the development of the new energy storage industry and contribute to achieving goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, the newly established New Energy Storage Pavilion will showcase a variety of commercial and household energy storage products. The area will target professional visitors from ESG-compliant factories, zero-carbon industrial parks, commercial buildings, microgrids, charging stations, data centres, and innovative energy storage application professionals.

Light + Biology and Light + Agriculture (Hall 5.2): Bio-optics and Smart Agriculture Pavilion
Thanks to supportive policies and strong market demand, smart agriculture is undergoing an explosive period of growth in China. With the close integration of bio-optical lighting, advanced sensors, communication and network technology, artificial intelligence and other digital technologies, the field of bio-optics has shown unprecedented potential. This deep integration will not only promote the continuous upgrade of intelligent breeding solutions but also greatly improve the production efficiency of agricultural facilities and enhance the quality of agricultural products. In 2024, GILE will once again collaborate with the China Association of Agricultural Mechanisation to organise the Bio-optics and Smart Agriculture Pavilion, exploring the cross-disciplinary integration of smart agriculture and bio-optics.

Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition and Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology are part of Messe Frankfurt’s Light + Building Technology fairs headed by the biennial Light + Building event. The next edition will be held from 8 – 13 March 2026 in Frankfurt, Germany.

Messe Frankfurt organises several trade fairs for the light and building technology sectors in Asia, including Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology, Shanghai Smart Home Technology and Parking China. The company’s lighting and building technology trade fairs also cover the markets in Argentina, India, Türkiye, the UAE and the USA.
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