Jiangsu Sokoyo Solar Lighting Co., Ltd.

Company Jiangsu Sokoyo Solar Lighting Co., Ltd.

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Company Jiangsu Sokoyo Solar Lighting Co., Ltd.

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Jiangsu Sokoyo Solar Lighting Co., Ltd. - Vertically integrated manufacturer of solar street lighting systems. Yangzhou, China.

Jiangsu Sokoyo Solar Lighting Co., Ltd. is a vertically integrated manufacturer of solar lighting products. The company holds a leading position in the global market for offering efficient, cost-effective and low maintenance solar lighting solutions for roadway, street, landscape, residential and area lighting applications to create visibility, enhance security or improve safety. Sokoyo designs, develops and manufactures a complete package of reliable off-grid lighting systems that redefine...

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Industry Updates

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Jiangsu Sokoyo Solar Lighting Co., Ltd. has a new update entry:

Sokoyo Expands Production Facility for Solar Street Lighting Products

Sokoyo's new factory is fully operational. It's an important milestone in the development of Sokoyo, a testimony to our growth and growth, not only marking our determination to move forward, but also representing our unremitting pursuit of product quality and production efficiency.

The new factory has an impressive scale and modern facilities. We have invested a lot of effort and resources into this, and have been carefully designed and arranged to provide employees with an efficient...

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Industry Updates

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Jiangsu Sokoyo Solar Lighting Co., Ltd. has a new update entry:

Sokoyo Introduces the LUMO Series Solar Street Lights

Introducing LUMO: Your Solar Outdoor Lighting Solution in Cameroon! LUMO illuminates your world with unparalleled brilliance and reliability, catering to a wide range of needs, whether it's for outdoor activities, road lighting, or enhancing security.

Broad Illumination Range: From expansive outdoor areas to vibrant squares, LUMO's potent 30W light effortlessly blankets these spaces, ensuring lighting standards endorsed by international research institutions.

Outstanding Cost Efficiency...

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